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Re: Sidebar patch: 1 keybinding not working

* On 2006.08.31, in <20060831162240.GA75227@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
*       "RLB" <redlob+mutt-users@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yup, I remapped the key and now it works. Strange... But I also noticed

I'm not familiar with this patch particularly, but having written other
patches that add key bindings, I can say that problems like this can
come up if the patch uses bindings that mutt already uses, or if mutt
adds bindings after the patch is written.  In such cases, two or more
operations can have the same binding, and only one wins out.  It may be
that there's nothing wrong with the binding per se -- it's just that
something else is overriding it.

If you're curious, you might want to check your patched functions.h for
other operations with the same binding as you expect sidebar operations
to use.

If you just want it to work, it might be enough to make the sidebar
binding (with the original keystroke) explicit in your muttrc.

 -D.    dgc@xxxxxxxxxxxx        NSIT    University of Chicago