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Re: switch off cache/fetch headers for imap folder

I'm ending the cross-post to mutt-dev..

* Anatoly Pugachev <mator@xxxxxx> [30-08-2006 18:16]:

> On Wed, Aug 30, 2006 at 04:16:40PM +0200, Ren? Clerc wrote:
> | * Anatoly Pugachev <mator@xxxxxx> [30-08-2006 16:06]:
> | 
> | > Is there any way to switch off header cache and header fetching for 
> specified imap folder. 
> | > For example i have spam/cron folder on imap server which gets about 1k
> | > messages each day and it would be good to not cache/fetch headers from 
> this
> | > type folders.
> | 
> | man muttrc
> | /header cache
> | 
> | That will show you how to turn off the header cache.
> i don't mean to turn off header cache completely, but for folder i specify,
> for example it's good for me to have header cache turned on for my Inbox
> folder, and i don't want to cache headers for =spam and =cron folders,
> since i'm deleting messages right after fast review of this folders.
> | 
> | About turning of header fetching..  You do want to enter the folder,
> | but you do not want to fetch the headers?  I don't understand..
> same as i written above, don't fetch headers for =spam and =cron folders,
> but continue to fetch it for all other folders.
> hope it's clear now.
> -- 
> Anatoly Pugachev

René Clerc                      - (rene@xxxxxxxx) - PGP: 0x9ACE0AC7

God is de stopverf van de wetenschap.
-René Clerc

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