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Re: Mutt as pop/imap checker

On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 06:38:31AM -0700, James Miller wrote:
> --- Kyle Wheeler <kyle-mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > The standard solution for this sort of thing that
> > I've seen is to use 
> > macros, like so:
> > 
> > macro index,pager I
> >
> "<change-folder>imap://myuname@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<enter>"
> > macro index,pager P
> > "<change-folder>pop://myuname@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<enter>"
> Thanks for that tip, Kyle. A couple of clarifications:
> 1) can I assign only a single letter/character (as
> opposed to, say, a word) to the macro?; 2) I must use
> only letters/characters not already assigned by the
> program, correct? If so, where can I find a list of
> unassigned characters? Must this be simply deduced
> from, say, looking at the help screen?
You can use multi-character sequences for macros, presonally I foudn
that using ',' and '\' suited my requirements and so I have stuffl
like the following in my muttrc:-

    macro index ,s "s?c^U{halkidiki.areti.com}Mail^M"
    macro index ,c "c?c^U{halkidiki.areti.com}Mail^M"
    macro pager ,s "s?c^U{halkidiki.areti.com}Mail^M"
    macro pager ,c "c?c^U{halkidiki.areti.com}Mail^M"
    macro index \\s "s?c^U~/Mail^M"
    macro index \\c "c?c^U~/Mail^M"

Chris Green (chris@xxxxxxxxxxxx)