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Re: How to invoke G and m in index?

* On Thu, Aug 10, 2006 Boris Sobolev (immunogene@xxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> Is that possible to send mail (invoking m) and G ( invoking fetchmail)
> right from the index. I'm afraid I'm using the wrong teminology here, 
> please correct me then. When I start mutt -y

That is not the index but the mailboxes view. Corrected as requested :)

> I cannot send or use "G" from there. I have to go to any of my folders
> and can use all aformentioned commands.

In the browser you only have browser and generic functions awailable.
<mail> and <fetch-mail> are bound only in the index. So what you
describe is correct.
You could write a macro that does what you do interactively though

macro browser G '<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><select-entry>\
<fetch-mail><enter-command>set wait_key<enter>\

macro browser m '<select-entry><mail>'

Leave the $wait_key stuff out if you unset it anyways.


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