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Re: How do you guys archive your old email messages?

On 25.06.2006 09:10:45, Byspel wrote:
> I'm looking into effective ways to archive my old emails...
> It would be nice to be able to concatenate the mbox and sent-mail
> folders as to end up with a threaded structure in the archives for
> both sent and received messages.
> Just wondering, has anyone here come up with smart ways of doing 
> that?

I'm using mbox files to keep my mails it.
Since I don't have a high mail volume (~500 MB per year) there's
nothing special I need to do, though I automatically save my mailinglists


And on New Year's I move that to ~/Mail/old and bzip2 it. When I need it
again, I just bunzip2 it and dig in.


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