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Re: index_format and <bar> vs <space>, segment fault

Thank you and other guys for your reply.
On 2006-06-17, Alain Bench (veronatif@xxxxxxx) wrote:
>  On Friday, June 16, 2006 at 12:21:56 +0200, Ye Fei wrote:

>     Thanks for the thorough checking: It's indeed the same problem. I do
> not understand it any better: Some (most) elements point to a Glibc bug,
> and some elements point to a Mutt or Mutt/Glibc interaction bug. I can't
> reproduce the problem at all, and so far nobody could reproduce it
> outside of Mutt. I don't know what to do next, so will probably reassign
> Bug#339555, and see what Glibc people think of it.
>     In the meantime the --with-regex build option should help avoiding
> the segfaulting calls to Glibc. I hope.
I just do not why vim can view those code without segment fault
but mutt quit with segfault, though vim does not display it correctly. 
> > I must use gbk locale, because I need chinese language support, and
> > UTF-8 gives me a lot of trouble.
>     OK. But may I ask what trouble? For Chinese, Mutt should work more
> or less identically in a GBK and in an UTF-8 locale. Of course setup has
> to be coherant, $assumed_charset feature is mandatory, and there are
> nuances in some latin characters width. But it should work.
I do not only use mutt :).  I am now trying to move to UTF-8 by
using a new account on my debian, and I do encounter problems.
They will take me times to fix them. Thank you. 
> > It is amazing that the chinese characters can also be displayed
> > correctly in mutt in this [LANG=en_US] case.
>     Wait a second: That should *not* work. Each Chinese character, being
> unconvertable from GBK to Latin-1, should be masked by 2 question marks.
> This probably means you didn't correct your setup as suggested in my
> previous mail (remove evil hardcoded $charset from muttrc).
It is also a surprise to me. It is sure that if I restart X with
local en_US, these chinese words are in chaos. This case only
occurs when I use the command "env LANG=en_US mutt" in a GBK
> Bye!  Alain.
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