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Re: national chars - libiconv not used?

Alain Bench wrote:
Hi Michal!

Hi, thanks for your answer, Alain.

 On Friday, June 9, 2006 at 15:27:11 +0200, Michal Hajek wrote:

Mutt does not show international characters in mail list and shows
wrong characters in message bodies.

    I'd suspect something like iconv functions taken from the system
libc instead of libiconv 1.10. And such setup needs its own specific
charset names, additional aliases, and maybe even some iconv-hooks. Your
symptoms may match those of an invalid $charset or failing Latin-2 <==>
CP-852 converter. You would see an uppercase accented U here: "é"
(really an e acute).

I do not see it correctly (on HP-UX).

    Otherwise I vaguely seem to recall that you succeeded switching to
libiconv only with export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib and some such
conditions. Doesn't work anymore?

No, it does not work. This is my latest configure command, but I tried many variations of it ...
export SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib
export LPATH=/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/ccs/lib
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/ncurses"
export LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/lib
## 11.23
./configure --prefix=/opt/mutt --with-curses=/usr/local \
   --enable-pop --enable-imap --enable-exact-address --enable-debug \
   --with-libiconv-prefix=/usr/local/lib --enable-locales-fix | tee conf.out

System: HP-UX B.11.23 (9000/800)

    Are you sure that the --enable-locales-fix option is still necessary
with 11.23? If it is necessary, it is not friendly to CP-850: You need
the additional mutt.michal.the-return-of-the-locales-hack-2.patch.

I believe it is not necessary. And I compiled mutt without it, but it does not matter. And I tried also the patch, but unsuccesfully.

 On Friday, June 9, 2006 at 15:42:20 +0200, Michal Hajek wrote:

Error in .muttrc, line 302: Warning: Bad IDN 'mutt.org' in alias 'mutt-dev'

    What is printed by "locale charmap"? Does setting $charset to this
value wipe the error? Does typing ":set &charset ?charset" directly in
Mutt shout the same value?
(Hit, nice hit!)
locale charmaps:



I really do not know why.

hpuh:/home/hajek>grep charset .muttrc
set charset="IBM852"          # character set for your terminal
set send_charset="us-ascii:iso-8859-2:iso-8859-1:utf-8"

    In 10.20 config.iconv you had some defined aliases. Perhaps the
HP-UX upgrade wiped this:

| # alias for cp852 edited hajek@xxxxxxxx (180602)
| alias cp852 852 IBM-852 IBM852
| # alias for iso-8859-1, iso-8859-2 edited hajek@xxxxxxxx (180602)
| alias iso81 iso8859_1 iso88591 iso-8859-1 ISO-8859-1
| alias iso82 iso8859_2 iso88592 iso-8859-2 ISO-8859-2

Yes, it did, but I editted it after new server install:
hpuh:/usr/lib/nls/iconv>grep 852 config.iconv
# cp852 : Code Page 852, PC Latin-2 code for East European languages
alias cp852 852 IBM-852 IBM852
iso82   cp852   iso82=cp852     default         -
cp852   iso82   cp852=iso82     default         -
cp852   ucs2    cp852=ucs2      lsbucs2.sl      -
ucs2    cp852   ucs2=cp852      lucs2hp.sl      -
cp852   utf8    cp852=ucs2      lsbutf8.sl      -
utf8    cp852   ucs2=cp852      lutf8hp.sl      -


Michal Hajek                   mailto:hajek@xxxxxxxx
Sprava NIS                       http://www.nspuh.cz
NsP Uherske Hradiste          phone : voice +420 572 529 204
J. E. Purkyne 365                     fax   +420 572 551 014
686 68 Uherske Hradiste  Czech Republic