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Re: send-hooks


 On Sunday, May 14, 2006 at 12:45:26 -0400, gerases@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I want to remove my real name [from lists]

    Well... There are on mailing lists as in many human communities some
common rules of polite behaviour. Where the minimal base may be to say
hello and goodbye, thank those who helped you or tried to, and...
present yourself under your name.

    Of course you are free to ignore good manners, just like others are
free to dislike it and react accordingly.

> mutt doesn't have variable expansion?

    CVS has.

> why "send-hook . 'unmy_hdr From:'"? Won't it unset the "From:" line
> every time?

    No. The "From:" line will be generated normally, containing $from
and $realname. "my_hdr From:" is an override to this default scheme, and
"unmy_hdr" removes the override.

Bye!    Alain.
set honor_followup_to=yes in muttrc is the default value, and makes your
list replies go where the original author wanted them to go: Only to the
list, or with a private copy.