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Re: Mime-type voicemail .wav files ... hosed translation

Hello Arias,

sorry for the late answer, but I have found your messages tody
(currently I have no time to read daily...)

I have a smal BaSH script which I use in my procmailrc file with

:0 fw
* ^Envelope-to:.*someemail@xxxxxxxxxxx
* ^From:.*somesenderemail@xxxxxxxxxxx

I have used your Message siniplet from one of your E-Mails

+---[ 'stdin' ]-------------------------------------------------------
| Date: Apr 13 2006 10:38:58 AM
| From: Outside Caller (caller's #)
| To: arias hung (my#)
| Content-Length: 1039696
| You have 1 unreviewed message(s).
| --this is a boundary string for me:Ywu}293
| Content-Type: audio/wav; name=3D"voice-message.wav"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
| //////////
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| //////////
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| //////////

and piped it into procmail...  The result was:

+---[ 'stdin' ]-------------------------------------------------------
| From Outside  Sat May  6 18:05:06 2006
| Date: Apr 13 2006 10:38:58 AM
| From: Outside Caller (caller's #)
| To: arias hung (my#)
| Content-Length: 1039696
| Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="this is a boundary string
|  for me:Ywu}293"
| You have 1 unreviewed message(s).
| --this is a boundary string for me:Ywu}293
| Content-Type: audio/wav; name=3D"voice-message.wav"
| Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
| //////////
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| //////////
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
| //////////
| --this is a boundary string for me:Ywu}293--

Is this what you want?

Oh yes, if there is a missing closing boundary it add it.
You can call it from the commandline with:

    tdboundarystring 'a boundary string sniplet' <message

'a boundary string sniplet' is a sniplet directly AFTER the preceeding '--'.

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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