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Re: running fetchmail from mutt in the background

cga2000 wrote:
> Thus spake Farhan Ahmed on Mon, May 01, 2006 at 10:13:41AM +0530 or 
> thereabouts: <farhanahmed06@xxxxxxxxx> [2006-05-01 01:47]:
> > (snip)
> > 
> > the daemon option of fetchmail?
> > 
> I was thinking that. I believe I read somewhere (likely in the fetchmail
> man page) that if you issue a fetchmail command from a shell this wakes 
> up any daemon instance of fetchmail that might be running in the 
> background and cause it to fetch your mail immediately.
> iow, I could set the daemon to poll my pop servers every 10 minutes, for
> instance, and whenever I need fetchmail to do his thing immediately w/o
> waiting for his timer to expire, I could cause mutt to run a simple
> fetchmail command.
> The difficulty might be that I don't know if the fetchmail daemon can
> be made to invoke procmail directly the way I currently do it via my
> .muttrc command.
> (snip)

Here's my .fetchmailrc.. It does all the polling every minute and also
invoke procmail:

        set daemon 60
        set syslog
        set postmaster farhan

        poll pop.gmail.com protocol pop3 and options no dns
            user "farhanahmed06@xxxxxxxxx" with pass "xxx" is "farhan" here
            options ssl sslcertck sslcertpath '/home/farhan/.certs'
            mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

Notice that I've the line mda "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T" which invokes

My .muttngrc (i use muttng but syntax and usage of configuration of
muttng and mutt is almost identical) has lines like this for calling

        macro   index   G       "!fetchmail -k\r"
        macro   pager   G       "!fetchmail -k\r"
        macro   browser G       "!fetchmail -k\r"

I think that may help,
Farhan Ahmed

PS: You can bind some key to kill the fetchmail daemon (the pid can be
found in the first line of ~/.fetchmail.pid, remove the file
~/.fetchmail.pid and quit mutt..
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