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Re: Sending messages error

> On the debian note, just wanted to suggest a way for you to maintain the 
> unstable distribution without having to hassle with manual updates ... if 
> you install a package called update-apt, you can automate all your updates 
> in the crontab so you don't have to deal with doing it yourself.  Any 
> updates that have new configuration files with additional options will put 
> in their respective directories with the *-new suffix so you can diff and 
> decide what to do with them at your leisure.

Can't find that package on my this unstable machine.  I've tried many 
variations "apt-cache show update-apt"

> It really reduces the maintainance of using unstable down to barely 
> anything.
> Although it sounds like you've already made the jump to testing, so this 
> advice might be a bit belated.
> A

---end quoted text---


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