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Re: Sending messages error

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Georgina Joyce delivered in simple text monotype:

Hi All

I decided that I wanted to step back from using debian unstable to stable because of the large frequent downloads required to keep the system up-to-date.

On the debian note, just wanted to suggest a way for you to maintain the 
unstable distribution without having to hassle with manual updates ... if you 
install a package called update-apt, you can automate all your updates in the 
crontab so you don't have to deal with doing it yourself.  Any updates that 
have new configuration files with additional options will put in their 
respective directories with the *-new suffix so you can diff and decide what to 
do with them at your leisure.

It really reduces the maintainance of using unstable down to barely anything.

Although it sounds like you've already made the jump to testing, so this advice 
might be a bit belated.


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