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Re: dir browsing remembers last dir browsed (was: weird behavior)

[=- Luis A. Florit wrote on Sat 22.Apr'06 at 23:19:32 -0300 -=]

> I have in my .muttrc:
> set folder=~/mail
> macro index y "cimaps://my.imap.server\n:set 
> folder=imaps://my.imap.server/MAIL1\n"
> When I enter mutt, if I press "c?" it shows me the content of
> the local ~/mail dir. And, if I enter mutt and press "yc?", it
> shows me the content of the remote MAIL1 IMAP dir. All as expected.
> BUT: if I enter mutt, press "c?q" (shows me ~/mail content and
> returns to index), and then I press "yc?", it STILL shows me the
> ~/mail dir content, although ":set folder" shows me
> "imaps://my.imap.server/MAIL1" !!! Same happens all the way
> arround.
> That is, mutt does not understand the second "folder=" directive
> *IF* the content of the first "folder" directory was shown. So,
> it appears that the content of the variable expanded by "?" or
> TAB is not always the content of "folder". Which is this
> variable, how can I set it or how it is set??

This has been asked in comp.mail.mutt recently.
Have a look at http://WIKI.mutt.org/?MuttGuide/Actions in the
"TAB completion" section, especially the "Note:" passage!

There is no mutt-variable to control it, only your actions
influence it.

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