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Re: unsetting <display-toggle-weed>

On Wednesday, April  5 at 11:06 PM, quoth Kyle Wheeler:
On Wednesday, April  5 at 09:28 PM, quoth Derek Martin:
The original post from Kyle is encoded in the brain-damaged cp1252, an encoding which (AFAIK) is Windows-centric, perhaps even Windows-specific, though iconv clearly knows about it on my system... Kyle's original message contains a non-ASCII single quote in the contraction "it's", which is displayed properly on my system.

One other thing… not everybody uses a UTF-8-capable terminal (like uxterm (which comes with xterm)). If your terminal is only capable of ASCII or something like that, it’s probably smart to set your mutt’s $charset to “us-ascii//TRANSLIT” — that //TRANSLIT at the end will tell the iconv library to transform characters that don’t *quite* map to your charset (us-ascii) into something similar, so curly quotes: “” will become un-curled: ""

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.
                                                          -- Dalai Lama

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