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Re: Messages not marked new

On Sunday, March 26 at 04:45 PM, quoth Bill Moseley:
Lately I've been noticing that I'll read some mail, and then at a
later time when I start Mutt again that same mail is marked "N" again.

Again, this is a new behavior over the last few months.  Does this
sound familiar to anyone?  Should I suspect it's a problem with
Courier or Mutt?  Any debugging suggestions?

When you read the messages with mutt, do they show up as read in the other client?

What sort of backing mail store do you use—mbox or maildir?

It sounds like a problem with either Courier or your other mail reader, but just for grins, you can try checking out unsetting imap_peek in your muttrc. Ordinarily (when imap_peek is set, which is the default) mutt will avoid telling the imap server that messages have been read until you close or sync the folder with the server. Unsetting that setting will make it stop doing that, and messages will become read as soon as you view them in mutt.

My first-blush theory would be that mutt is explicitly leaving those messages read until you sync the flags to the server (as it does by default). Because you haven’t sync’d flags with the server before starting up your other client, in that other client the messages show up as unread. When you quit that other client, rather than ignoring those messages because it hasn’t touched them, it tells Courier that those messages should be unread. Courier takes this to be a flag-change, and so when mutt goes to sync it’s flags (i.e. you quit your first mutt), it is informed that it doesn’t have the most up-to-date information about the flag state, and so mutt’s changes are ignored. (note: that’s a VERY hand-wavey guess)

Art, I suppose, is only for beginners, who have made up in their minds to be content with symbols rather than with what they signify, with the elegantly composed recipe in lieu of actual dinner.
                                                       -- Aldous Huxley

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