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Re: how to view MS files within mutt?

On 19:02 Wed 21 Dec 2005, Gary Johnson wrote:
> Those two lines will let you view MS attachments from the attachment 
> menu, which you can get to by typing 'v'.  If you want to view those 
> attachments in-line, as you do normal messages, you'll need two 
> additional lines in your mailcap,
>     application/msword;antiword %s | less
>     application/msword;antiword %s; copiousoutput
>     application/vnd.ms-excel;xlhtml %s | html2text | less
>     application/vnd.ms-excel;xlhtml %s | html2text; copiousoutput
> plus this line in your muttrc:
>     auto_view application/msword application/ms-excel

I made similar configuration in my .muttrc like this:

        auto_view text/html
        auto_view application/octet-stream
        auto_view application/msword
        auto_view application/ms-excel
        mime_lookup application/octet-stream

and in .mailcap like this:

        application/msword;antiword %s | less ; nametemplate=%s.doc; 
        application/octet-stream;antiword %s | less ; nametemplate=%s.doc;
        application/octet-stream;xlhtml %s | less ; nametemplate=%s.xls;
        application/vnd.ms-excel;xlhtml %s | html2text | less
        application/vnd.ms-excel;xlhtml %s | html2text; copiousoutput

With this setting, msword attachments can be rendered inline without any
problems, but with .xls files which is taken by mutt as
application/octet-stream, Encoding: base64 

still need me to press v and view them. What is wrong with my configuration
and how to make .xls files display inline? 

Also, I visited mutt's user pages about how to open attachments outside mutt's 
but I am not sure of the settings like this:

application/msword;             mutt_bgrun qvpview %s; test=RunningX
application/msword;             word2text %s; copiousoutput

First question, I don't want to install qview since I want openoffice to open 
files, how to configure Openoffice for this accordingly?

Second question, mutt_bgrun means? I can't find this in mutt's manual. I also
want to view image files via zgv (perhaps in mutt's pager) or gqview
(outside mutt), how to configure them for mutt? 


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