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Re: changing width of message index

Scott Eberl spake thusly on Wed, Feb 15, 2006 at 03:41:04PM -0600:
> Just starting using mutt again after a very long hiatus and lost my .muttrc
> file. Was hoping someone could save me the time of reading all the 
> documentation and
> help me out with a quick answer regarding the mail index, or so I believe
> that's what the screen listing all your mail when you open mutt is called. My
> issue is the field length for the sender's address is too short and it's
> cutting off most of the domain name of the sender to be of any use. Does
> anyone know how to increase the value for this width?
--- end quoted text ---

Welcome back!

Here's mine:

set index_format="%4C %Z %{%m/%d-%T} %-16.15F %s" # format of the browser

The 16 is the number of characters the space takes up, and the 15 is the number 
of characters to show. I've found that this works well for me.


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