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Re: Specifying folder to save outbound mail

On 2006-02-01, "David J. Neu" <djneu@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I know how to save out going messages to a folder by using
> set record="foo"
> but I'd like to be able to indicate which folder each out going
> message should be saved to, either by being prompted for a folder, OR
> by having messages sent by hitting Y saved to one folder and having
> messages sent by hitting a different key saved to another folder.

When you've finished editing a message and are ready to hit 'y' to
send it, you are in mutt's Compose menu.  Among the headers visible
there is one like this:

     Fcc: ~/mbox

That indicates the mailbox in which mutt is going to save a copy of 
the message.  To change that mailbox manually, just type 'f'.  See
the mutt manual, sections

    2.4.  Sending Mail
    2.4.1.  Editing the message header

You can also specify an fcc-hook or an fcc-save-hook to select the 
mailbox automatically according to the pattern you specify in each 
hook.  See the mutt manual, sections

    3.15.  Specify default Fcc: mailbox when composing
    3.16.  Specify default save filename and default Fcc: mailbox at once

If you want save a copy of the message in a mailbox whose name is 
the username of the addressee, see the mutt manual, sections

    6.3.51.  force_name
    6.3.190.  save_address
    6.3.192.  save_name


Gary Johnson                               | Agilent Technologies
garyjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                   | Wireless Division
http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/ | Spokane, Washington, USA