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mutt and smtp - status remains "Sending mail" but nothing is sent


I would like to start using mutt but I haven't been able to figure out how to send mail through my ISP's SMTP server.

I have been trying to configure msmtp, esmtp and even exim4 on my debian (testing) machine but the status bar keeps displaying "Sending mail..." but nothing is transmitted.

Wit msmtp I am able to send a test message from the command line using:
m8ram@medion:~$ msmtp -d bram-mertens@xxxxxxxx < testmessage
ignoring system configuration file /etc/msmtprc: No such file or directory
loaded user configuration file /home/m8ram/.msmtprc
using account default from /home/m8ram/.msmtprc
--> .
<-- 250 Ok: queued as 435C93839C
--> QUIT
<-- 221 Bye

my ~/.msmtprc file looks like:
logfile ~/.msmtp.log

account telenet
host smtp.my_isp.be
from bram-mertens_AT_linux.be

account default : telenet

and my ~/.muttrc like:
# Options for sending mail
set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp -d"
set edit_headers=yes
set use_from=yes
set realname="Mertens Bram"
set from=bram-mertens_AT_linux.be
set envelope_from=yes

I have tried adding and removing several of these, I have set up esmtp
~/.esmtprc file:
identity = bram-mertens_AT_linux.be
        hostname = smtp.my_isp.be:25
mda = "/usr/bin/procmail -d %T"

and the following in ~/.muttrc:
set sendmail="/usr/bin/esmtp -v -X ~/.muttesmtp.log"

Again I tried adding/removing use_from, envelope_from, ... without success

Then I tried to reconfigure exim4 following the advice on http://www.dcs.gla.ac.uk/~lativyn/articles/debian-mutt/, changing my ~/.muttrc to nothing more than:
set use_from=yes
set from=bram-mertens_AT_linux.be

I am problably missing something really easy because I see in the archives of this list that many people use this kind of setup but I am puzzled.

Is there any way to get mutt to log exactly what it is trying to do? Perhaps that would allow me to find the cause of this.

Thanks in advance

Bram Mertens