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Receivers can't get the attachment of msword doc files

Hi mutters in mud,

I am using mutt under debian/sid with en_US.UTF-8 locale environment. 

Recently, I noticed a strange problem: 

Someone sent me a msword format file and I edited it using openoffice then 
attached the file in mutt and sent it back. However, both receivers called
me later saying that there is no attachment in the message but I am sure
that I attached the file. 

There are a few things that might contribute to this lost attachment issue
but I can't pin them down:

1. the name of the ms word file are in Chinese. They came in Chinese and I
saved them in my ext3 partition and my locale is en_US.utf8. I can view the
Chinese names correctly both in mutt and with 'ls'. 

But when I want to resend the message by pressing <ESC> e , the name of the
file becomes something like ____________________.doc and the chinese
characters are invisible. 

2. when I attach the ms word file, I noticed this information:

[-- Type: application/msword, Encoding: base64, Size: 43K --]

Is there anything wrong with the Encoding here?

3. I just renamed the file with English letters only and the receiver
confirmed that the attachemnt was received. 

So what's wrong with attachments in Chinese names?
