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Re: Threading bugs reports

Re: mauro in <20051111102501.87773.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I would like to know how I can thread automatically
> generated bugs reports from a mailing list.
> The subjects are the same but they are not as reply to
> previous messages.

Use procmail:

# group tracker items
* ^From: .*noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* ^Subject: .*-\/[0-9]+
* !^References:
| formail -i"References: <$MATCH@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"

# group CVS changes
* ^From: .*@users.sourceforge.net
* ^To: pisg-commits@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
* ^Date: \/.*
* !^References:
  DATE=`date -d "$MATCH" '+%Y%m%d%H%M'`
  | formail -i"References: <pisg-commits-$DATE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>"

The first recipe uses some header bit to create a fake References:
line, the second uses the time to group related commit messages.

cb@xxxxxxxx | http://www.df7cb.de/

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