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Re: from evolution2mutt

On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 09:24:31PM +0200, Aaron wrote:
> Hi all,
> I used mutt for over a year, until my computer crashed and I had to
> reinstall.
> I was in the middle of a big project and didn't have time to configure
> mutt.
> now I have strep throat and time on my hands to I set up mutt, whew a
> happy camper again.
> However I want to move my mails from evolution over to mutts folders I
> can't however figure out where evolution stores tem. ideally i am
> looking for a script or other automatic what to do it.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks
> Aaron

Hey, glad to see you're bark is back, despite the strep :)

Have you tried following ~/.evolution/mail/local ?

You should see your evolution mailboxes in that directory. Just for
kicks, enter that directory and do something like:

cp -i Inbox ~/your-mail-dir-here/evotest

Make sure not to copy Inbox or Sent or someother file there that
doesn't end in an extension. 

Then open mutt and see if you can switch to that mailbox.  It should
work just fine.  If it does, you can move the rest of your evolution
mailboxes in there and be right at home again.

Good Luck,

"The muffled thunder of dialogue comes through the walls,
then a chorus of laughter. Then more thunder. Most of
 the laugh tracks on television were recordedin the early
1950s. These days, most of the people you hear laughing
 are dead."
                                                --C. Palahniuk, "Lullaby"