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Re: Two beginner problems - formail and bogofilter

On Wednesday, November  2 at 01:48 PM, quoth Carthik Sharma:
I tried unsuccessfully to tag all the messages and try to do an "H" on tagged messages - what is the right way of invoking a macro on all tagged messages?

By default? It's the ; key. You may also be interested in the auto_tag preference (set auto_tag).

If I tag 5 messages and then do a ";" and then do a "H" , it only re-processes (Applies the macro) on the last message (currently highlighted message). So it appears that macros are only working for one message at a time, not a group of tagged messages, which is my problem.

Ah, sorry, my thinko -- macros aren't real commands like other mutt commands are. They're shortcuts for what you would like mutt to do. There are many reasons for this, but one obvious one that comes to mind is fairly straightforward: macros can modify themselves in the act of running!

So, in order to perform what you want on several commands, you're going to have to structure your macro a little differently, I think. Now, I've never done this before, but here's a stab at it:

macro index H "<enter-command>unset
wait_key<enter><tag-prefix><pipe-entry>bogofilter -Sn -l &<enter><tag-prefix><pipe-entry>formail -I X-Bogosity|procmail &<enter><enter-command>set wait_key<enter><delete-message>" "Unmark as spam, mark as non-spam and refilter to correct mailbox"

That and, like Ian said, you're *probably* going to want to set pipe_split to "yes", so that each message gets piped separately.

I have received 438 spam emails and around 200 regular non-spam emails by now, and yet bogofilter is "unsure" about (mostly) non-spam emails, and sure that some spam emails are not spam! Is this normal?


According to the Bogofilter FAQ: 

It looks like unless you configure a ham_cutoff and a spam_cutoff (which is not configured by default), bogofilter will *always* be "unsure".

It is easier to be critical than to be correct.
                                                   -- Benjamin Disraeli

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