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Two beginner problems - formail and bogofilter


I recently started using Mutt as a replacement for Evolution. I have
two problems.
I use fetchmail to fetch pop mail, procmail, bogofilter, and mutt.

Problem 1:
I have a 483 MB file from Evolution, called "Inbox". Since I wanted
the messages in the file to get filtered to the proper mailboxes so I
can read them with Mutt, I used the foloowing command, as suggested
somewhere on the web:

$ formail -s procmail < Inbox

I let it run overnight, and then in the morning, I found that only a
few messages had been processed. Significantly, some messages were not
re-delivered correctly. Does this always take a long, long time, or is
there a problem with how I am doing it?

Problem 2:
I have the following macro for unmarking a message as spam, marking it
as normal mail and re-filtering it:
macro   index   H       "<enter-command>unset
wait_key\n<pipe-entry>bogofilter -Sn -l\n<pipe-entry>formail -I
X-Bogosity|procmail\n<enter-command>set wait_key\n<delete-message>"
"Unmark as spam, mark as non-spam and refilter to correct mailbox"

The problem is that whenever I press H from some folder, it take about
1-2 minutes before I can use mutt again, since I have to wait for the
processing to complete before I can resume using Mutt. With about 100
message in my "unsure-bogofilter" folder that need to be marked as
"not-spam" this wait is unacceptable.
Is there something I can do to ensure that the re-processing occurs in
the background, so I can continue to use Mutt after using the "H"
I tried unsuccessfully to tag all the messages and try to do an "H" on
tagged messages - what is the right way of invoking a macro on all
tagged messages?

Also, after 3 weeks, bogofilter still incorrectly marks spam as ham
and ham as "unsure". Is this normal?

Please excuse me if the questions are too dumb, and the solutions obvious :)

Thank you in advance,

Ph.D. Candidate
University of Central Florida
Homepage: http://carthik.net