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Re: PGP text/plain

On Monday, October 24 at 05:59 PM, quoth James:
Some people send me emails with GPG-encrypted blocks in them.  Their
mime-type is text/plain, and mutt doesn't decrypt them for me.  I can
decrypt them fine at the command line.

Sounds like "traditional" pgp encryption. See if this works (type it in while viewing a message with un-decrypted blocks):

   :push <check-traditional-pgp>

If that works, then all you need to do is add this to your muttrc:

   set pgp_auto_decode

If that didn't work, then you've probably got something else wrong with your mutt setup (or they're malformed emails), and you'll need to post more details to the list.

Hope that helps,

He who dares not offend cannot be honest.
                                                        -- Thomas Paine

Attachment: pgpMazJXEz0Fe.pgp
Description: PGP signature