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Re: mutt / fetchmail mail size limit

> ,----[ man fetchmail ]
> | [...]
> | Resource Limit Control Options
> |   -l <maxbytes> | --limit <maxbytes>

Well - yes. But not entirely what I need. I needed at least the header of
such large messages (best would be to download the first 1kB or so to have -
in most cases - the text part of that message, but not the attachments). And
I'd need a way to control from mutt if the message should be
- downloaded entirely or
- deleted from server
on the next online run.

But it seems such a possiblity does not exist without patching mutt or
programming complicated macros. So I'll probably rather go the easy way and
create a second mailbox as described in my other mail.


Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Hertrich
Reichertshofen, Germany

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