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Re: predefined To: addresses for various mailboxes

On 2005-09-25 13:14 +0200, daniel.hertrich@xxxxxx wrote:
> Now, if I am reading such a mailbox, it would be nice if 
> hitting "m" to compose a new mail to this mailing list would 
> already fill in the address of that mailing list automatically.
> Is there a way to do that?

Funny, I did exactly that yesterday. All you need to do is write a set
of folder-hooks to re-bind the "m" key to a macro such as:

folder-hook . 'bind index m mail'
folder-hook '=linux/gentoo/amd64/?$' 'macro index m 

The "n" is there for the times when I have mail postponed (in which
case mutt asks me if I want to recall that message -- if you have
`recall' set to no, this is not necessary). I also have "M" constantly
bound to "mail", to be able to access the default behavior easily:

bind index M mail

Michael Kjörling, michael@xxxxxxxxxxxx - http://michael.kjorling.com/
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