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Bincimap and mutt

Hi everyone.

First, some background information:
I'm running FreeBSD 5.4-STABLE
mutt (2004-02-12)  (from FreeBSD ports)
bincimap 1.2.12 (FreeBSD ports)

I'm having an issue similar to the one which was
reported in this message:

In brief, I cannot seem to read messages on my mutt
through its IMAP facility.  It wants to browse the
IMAP folders as a filesystem and not look at them as
mail folders.

Pressing <space> on these folders instead of <enter>
does make mutt print "Getting folder list" at the
bottom, but mutt goes no further.  

When hitting enter on the folder, I am presented with
a window with [=foldername] at the top, but only an:

IMAP                          ../

line in every folder view.

For the longest time, I had a fetchyahoo -> maildrop
-> HOME/Maildir setup going fine.

I have sinced changed my setup from the above to have
virtual domains through qmail/bincimapd/vpopmail with
vchkpw authorizing virtual users (including my own
shell account).

My virtual Maildirs are stored in

each folder under Maildir has:

Maildir/cur   Maildir/tmp   Maildir/new
testfolder/cur   testfolder/tmp   Maildir/new

etc.  INBOX is linked thusly ln -sf ../Maildir INBOX

Using Thunderbird with IMAPS through bincimap from my
Windows box located on my local LAN works perfectly. 
It can read and write messages from IMAP and to my
local SMTP server.

Here are some relevant lines from my mutt and binc
config files:


set spoolfile="imaps://"          #
Define location of incoming messages
set folder="imaps://"             #
Define directory where additional mailboxes are
set imap_user="USER@DOMAIN"         # Required in this
form for vpopmail
set imap_force_ssl="yes"                        #
Prompt for password just once per session
set imap_delim_chars="/"


Mailbox {
    depot = "IMAPdir",
    type = "Maildir",
    path = "Maildir",
    auto create inbox = "yes",
    auto subscribe mailboxes = "INBOX",
    umask = "077"

I'm assuming qmail and vpopmail work fine since
sending , receiving and checking email through
Thunderbird work fine.  Bincimap and/or mutt seem to
be the culprit.

Does any body have any advice?


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