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Re: odd color problem with mutt 1.5.x

On Thursday,  4 August, 2005 at 13:25 -0400, Ken Weingold wrote:
> I just finally got 1.5.9 running with header caching and stuff.
> Something odd with colors though.  I have new mail set to cyan
> foreground and default (white or light gray), and the indicator set to
> black foreground and cyan background.  In mutt 1.4.x, when I had the
> indicator on a new mail, the bar would be cyan and the text black.  In
> 1.5.9, the indicator's foreground seems to be default, where I have
> black specified in my muttrc.  Any idea what the problem is?
> Thanks.
> -Ken
Hi Ken, and others;
I am very new to mutt and also very new to linux, the cli, and computing 
beyond "clueless windows user" in general, and am also hampered by 
moderately advanced age ;).  

The documentation to mutt is huge, and it will not only take me a long 
time to read, but several readings to get much sense out of it.  But I 
have found google is my friend, and  this: google "my .muttrc" (or 
"favorite .muttrc" or "my irssi.config", or "my mutt settings" etc) to be 
very helpful.

I know it's script-kiddie-like, but copying chunks of someone's published 
settings helps me to iron out the minor irritations of a program while 
slowly learning how to configure it myself, rather than trying to learn 
every program at once.

Currently I'm struggling with mutt, irssi, screen, vim, css, and perl, to 
name just the most prominent in my life at the moment.  I adjusted my mutt 
color settings with this one: 
and instead of squinting at tiny white text on a black background I can 
now read my mail with ease.
