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Question for vimspell users

I'm using vimspell with mutt and KDE's konsole.  It's great at
identifying misspelled words, but I'm curious as to how I go about
correcting them (getting prompted for suggestions).  Here's how I set
it up:

1- grabbed vimspell.vim
2- mkdir ~/.mutt
3- cp vimspell.vim ~/.mutt/.
4- vim ~/.mutt/vimrc #contains the following
source ~/vimrc
source ~/.mutt/vimspell.vim
highlight SpellErrors cterfg=Red cterm=underline term=reverse
set filetype=mail
set textwidth=72
5- Then in ~/.muttrc I used:
set editor = "vim -u ~/.mutt/vimrc

I read thru the vimspell file and it appears that because I'm using
konsole, things like right-clicking with the mouse will not present
alternate spellings for words.  I'd rather use a key-combination anyway.


Philosophy will clip an angel's wings.
                -- John Keats
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