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Re: hook on entering Attachment-View ?

Am 2005-04-02 13:26:10, schrieb Gary Johnson:

> If I understand the problem correctly, the solution is to use the 
> copiousoutput field to distinguish the rules you want applied to 
> in-line autoviewing of attachments from those rules you want applied 
> in the attachment view/menu.  This is discussed in the mutt manual.  
> I know this can be done with all the rules in one mailcap file; it 
> seems to me that it could also be done by putting a mailcap file 
> with all the copiousoutput rules last in the mailcap_path.


It is not right, because I have a standard-mailcap file, which poit to

  __( '/home/michelle.konzack/.tdfileview/mailcap' )____________________
| application/gzip;             tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/ms-tnef;          tdfileview         %s; copiousoutput
| application/octet-stream;     tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-bzip2;          tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-deb;            tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-compressed-tar; tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-debian-package; tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-gettext;        tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-httpd-php;      tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-lha;            tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-lzh;            tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-man;            tdfileview         %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-object;         tdfileview         %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-patch;          tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-php;            tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| application/x-shellscript;    tdfileview         %s; copiousoutput
| audio/mpeg;                   tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| image/gif;                    tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| image/jpeg;                   tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| text/x-csrc;                  tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| text/x-diff;                  tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput
| text/x-po;                    tdfileview --color %s; copiousoutput

and generate mutt-inline-view for GIF, JPEG, PNG, MP3,... blahblah.

Even in the "attachment-view"... 

If you select a mp3 vor example, 'mutt' will look into the mailcap
and execute tdfileview, which show me the ID3 Tags and other infos.
I want to see this only in the "pager".

But if I am in the "attachment-view" I like to change the "mailcap_path"
to "~/.mailcap:/etc/mailcap"
  __( '/home/michelle.konzack/.mailcap' )_______________________________
| audio/x-wav;                  rplay %s;                     description=;     
| audio/mp3;                    mplayer %s;                   description=;     
| audio/mpeg;                   mplayer %s;                   description=;     
| audio/x-mp3;                  mplayer %s;                   description=;     
| audio/x-mpeg;                 mplayer %s;                   description=;     
| image/jpeg;                   zgv %s;                       test=test "$TERM" 
== ""; description="JPEG Image"; nametemplate=%s.jpg
| text/plain;                   less '%s';                    needsterminal
| application/pdf;              /usr/bin/xpdf '%s';           test=test 
"$DISPLAY" != ""; description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf
| application/x-pdf;            /usr/bin/xpdf '%s';           test=test 
"$DISPLAY" != ""; description=Portable Document Format; nametemplate=%s.pdf
| text/plain;                   cat '%s';                     
print=/usr/bin/a2ps '%s'; copiousoutput
| application/x-troff-man;      /usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tlatin1; copiousoutput; 
print=/usr/bin/nroff -mandoc -Tlatin1 | print text/plain:-
| text/html;                    /usr/bin/mozilla '%s';        description=HTML 
Text; test=test -n "$DISPLAY";  nametemplate=%s.html


| application/*;                less '%s';                     needsterminal

that I can hear mp3, and see the PICs with zgv

> You might also take a look at this web page which discusses using 
> different display programs for in-line viewing vs. attachment-menu 
> viewing of attachments.

Oh, I am very satisfait with my BASH script "tdfileview"  :-)
And it is fun to do it and curently I do code a Super-Release
which support syntax highliteing.

It make it easier to read po files, diffs/patches, XF86Config-4,
XFree86.0.log or Debian/RPM Packages and much more...

>     http://www.spocom.com/users/gjohnson/mutt/

I do not know whether this viewers support this  :-/

For NOW I need to know how to force an "attachment-view" macro which

    macro attachment-view 'set mailcap_path="~/.mailcap:/etc/mailcap"\n'

and if I leafe it,

    macro ! attachment-view 'set mailcap_path="~/.tdfileview/mailcap"\n'

> HTH,
> Gary

Good night

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)

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