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Filtering incoming mail

Hi all,

I'm a relatively new mutt user, and I've been slowly building a .muttrc that 
suits my needs. After joining this and other lists, I've encountered an issue I 
haven't been able to find an answer for.

I receive my mail via fetchmail, and have mutt set to read the messages in my 
mail spool directory. I don't use procmail to filter mail to specific mailboxes 
as I prefer to read my mail from the spool and then save the messages I want. 

My problem is that with my current setup, I am unable to identify email sent 
from this and other lists from the index. Is there some way I can do this? Does 
this require procmail or can it be done from within my .muttrc. 

I'm running Fedora Core 3 and my .muttrc is attached. 


Kent R. Frazier, K5KNT
Registered Linux User #310945
# Kent R. Frazier's .muttrc #

# Aliases give you a basic addressbook. Use "a" to add a message's sender to 
# the aliases file, so you dont have to remember their addresses.
# File to use for saving new aliases.
set alias_file = ~/Mail/.aliases
# File to search for aliases in.
source ~/Mail/.aliases

# Cursor Movement
bind pager <up>         previous-line
bind pager <down>       next-line
bind pager <left>       exit
bind pager <right>      view-attachments
bind attach <left>      exit
bind attach <right>     view-attach
bind index  <right>     display-message

# Personal Settings
set from = "k5knt@xxxxxxx"      # Set my from address
set realname = "Kent R. Frazier"
set folder = $HOME/Mail
set record = "$HOME/Mail/sent"          # Sent mail is saved here.
set signature = "~/Mail/.signature"     # Creates a signature line.

# Boolean Variables:
#       set foo
# or    unset foo
# or    toggle foo
# or    reset foo (reset to compile time default)
# or    set nofoo or set invfoo (inverts actual values)
unset bounce_delivered          # unset => remove Delevered-To: when bouncing.
set user_agent                  # Create User-Agent: Mutt /<version> header.

# Quadoptions:
#       set foo=yes
# or    set foo=ask-yes
# or    set foo=no
# or    set foo=ask-no
# or    reset foo (reset to compile time default)
set pgp_verify_sig = no         # Don't show pgp in pager
set markers = no                # No + on wrapped lines
set include = ask-yes           # Ask if you want to quote message in reply
set abort_nosubject = no        # Don't abort if message has no subject.
set abort_unmodified = no       # Don't abort if message wasn't edited.
set print = ask-yes             # Ask whether you really want to print.

set sort = threads              # Sort messages by threads

# Default list of header fields to weed out when displaying mail.
# Ignore them all then unignore what I want to see.
ignore *
unignore Date To From: Subject X-Mailer Organization User-Agent
hdr_order Date From To Subject X-Mailer User-Agent Organization

# Bindings for editing and reloading the .muttrc
macro generic   <F9>    "!vim ~/.muttrc\r"
macro generic   <F10>   ":source ~/.muttrc\r"
macro generic   <F11>   "!vim ~/Mail/.aliases\r"

# Color Definations
color hdrdefault        brightcyan      default 
color status            black           cyan