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mutt, maildir and slowness...

When using mutt (1.5.8) with maildir format messages I experience
a major preformance hit if, for instance, I've got lots of large
messages.  To quote a particular example I quite often have a mailbox
with a few hundred messages in it, a good number of which are a few
hundred kilobytes in length (main box text, no attachments).  Within
the message index/browser) whenever I move around there is a lot
of disk activity and slowness, much slower then it used to be when
I had a similar sized messages in a mbox format file.  My guess is
that mutt is rescanning each message in their entireity, whereas
it should be suffficient just to read until the header section is
finished.  Is this something I can work around with an option, or is
mutt just broken in this regard?

Josef Karthauser (joe@xxxxxxxxxx)              http://www.josef-k.net/
FreeBSD (cvs meister, admin and hacker)     http://www.uk.FreeBSD.org/
Physics Particle Theory (student)   http://www.pact.cpes.sussex.ac.uk/
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