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procmail and forwarding


I've been stuffing around trying to get forwarding + extras working

I have an address dj@xxxxxxx
and an address luke@xxxxxxx

I want all mail for dj@xxxxxxx forwarded to eden@xxxxxxxx
AND IF the mail is 'cc'd to luke@xxxxxxx it should also go to the Inbox

so all mail for dj goes to eden@xxxxxxxx
and only if mail has a 'To' field of dj@xxxxxxx
AND a 'Cc' field of luke@xxxxxxx should it also go to Inbox

I have the following in my procmailrc:

:0 D
* ^To:.*dj\@bla.*
   ! eden@xxxxxxxx

:0 D
* ^(Cc|cc|CC):.*luke\@bla.*
   :0 D
   * ^To:.*dj\@bla.*

The first recipe works, the second one does nothing, 
what am I doing wrong?


kind regards,

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