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binding more than one action to a key?


here's my situation: I filter spam with spamassassin and
would like to do some actions on messages that escape this
filter and end up on my inbox. Preferably I would like to
use just one key binding (they are called macros, aren't
they?) to do all of the following:

i) report message to Vipul's Razor ("| spamassassin -r")
ii) mark message as ham/spam ("| sa-learn --no-sync --ham/spam")
iii) save message to =spam

I can write a small perl script to do this and assign a
keybinding in mutt to pass the message to this program.
However, perhaps there is a way to do this without using an
external script?


Fernán Agüero | Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas
email         | fernan at { iib.unsam.edu.ar , mail.retina.ar }
wwww          | http://genoma.unsam.edu.ar/~fernan
phone, fax    | +54 11 { 4580-7255 ext 310, 4752-9639 }