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Re: current folder patch breaks fcc-hook?

+----[ Nicolas Rachinsky <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx> (11.Nov.2004 18:00):
| * Nicolas Rachinsky <list@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-11-11 21:50 +0100]:
| > * Fernan Aguero <fernan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> [2004-11-11 17:41 -0300]:
| > > For this I use the following in my muttrc:
| > > fcc-hook . ^
| > 
| > I just entered
| > :fcc-hook . ^
| > 
| > > However, this fcc-hook does not work when mutt is built with
| > > the current folder patch. With this mutt, the Fcc is always
| > > empty (I have not set 'record' in my muttrc). If I change
| > > the Fcc manually to ^, the message gets saved to the current
| > > folder as expected.
| > 
| > It seems to work fine.
| It does not work. The ^ seems to be expanded while reading the hook.
| But
| fcc-hook . '^'
| in my .muttrc seems to work. Entering it via : does not.
| Nicolas

setting the fcc-hook to either ^, '^' or "^" does not make a
difference. It always results in an empty Fcc:

setting the value to any other string works
fcc-hook . =gnome
results in 
Fcc: =gnome
as expected

thus my suspicion that it has to do with the current
shortcut patch (or to the character (^) chosen to act as the

Any developer listening? Is this a known bug? Should I
file a bug report?

BTW, Nicholas, thanks for your reply.


Fernán Agüero | Instituto de Investigaciones Biotecnológicas
email         | fernan at { iib.unsam.edu.ar , mail.retina.ar }
wwww          | http://genoma.unsam.edu.ar/~fernan
phone, fax    | +54 11 { 4580-7255 ext 310, 4752-9639 }