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mutt, folder_format, display unread messages, jump from mailbox1 to mailbox2


does someone know how to display unread (not new) messages in the folder

the BIG PROBLEM is that mutt displays only the new message in the
mailboxes (i.e. once mutt is closed a still unread new message loses its
status "new" even though it is still new and is treated as unread). i
understand that this might be of use but then i NEED a flag for unread

this is my folder format:
[code]set folder_format="%N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"[/code]
i'd appreciate any hack to circumvent this issue, i really hate to go
every time through my bunch of folders. 

i use mutt in imap mode. 

idea: jumping from an unread message from one folder (mailbox1) to
another folder (mailbox2) would to the trick for the moment how would i
achieve that?

btw: swichting mailboxes works, but i don't want to go through my hole
bunch of mailboxes to verify if i have new mails or not. 

any help truly appreciated. 
with best regards
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