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Re: pgp signatures?

Hello Thomas!

 On Saturday, September 25, 2004 at 3:58:12 PM +0200, Thomas Roessler wrote:

> Please report back if this message shows a bad signature.
> ...

    GOOD. Originally had dots. But no QP, therefore no possible harmfull
deQPification. Though note the lacking empty line between header and
1st MIME separator: 2 lines in your outbox, 1 only here on list.

    Try the same test, but this time setting $pgp_strict_enc=yes and/or
forcing QP encoding at compose screen (^E quoted-printable). Add also a
text line with *2* trailing spaces. BCC me, please.

    If my hypothesis is good, a pair of spaces "  " at end of line,
normally QP-encoded by Mutt " =20", may be changed to raw "=20=20". See
closed bug #1469 discussion on mutt-dev (February 2003).

    Update: Received GOOD private mail untouched from TG, thanks.

    Update again: See line #8 of Joe Milbourn's BAD message
<20040925145548.GA23419@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>. There are 5 spaces, more
than enough to confirm the case. :-)

Bye!    Alain.
« if you believe the Colonel K, I've got a bridge to sell you. »