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When is a sig not a sig?

I'm subscribed to a number of Windows-related lists and I've gone to a
fair amount of trouble writing procmail recipes and scripts to clean up
the usual problems like advertising footers, Outlook-style quoting, etc.
The problem I'm having is with signature lines.  While I can fix
overlong or improperly formatted signatures, mutt doesn't always display
signatures as signatures, i.e., they appear formatted as regular text.
The problem isn't random as it occurs consistently on the same messages.

If I try to edit a problem message manually, vi doesn't seem to have any
trouble parsing the sig line and displaying it as such.  But what's
really strange is that if I replace the message body with nothing but a
correctly-formatted sig line like

insert pithy quote here

mutt still insists on displaying the sig line as regular body text.
This leads me to believe there's either a vast conspiracy at work, or
I'm missing something.

