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Re: How do I get mutt to open this mail?

Am 2004-09-08 19:59:04, schrieb Michael Tatge:
> * On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 Michelle Konzack (linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
> > Unfortunatly I have not found the following binaries in Debian:
> > 
> >     compress, greeze, ha, lharc, rpm2cpio, unarj, zoo
> debian has most of these tools in the non-free section:

OK, I use only "main" :-)

> ncompress - Original Lempel-Ziv compress/uncompress programs (non-free)
> lha - lzh archiver (non-free)
> unarj - archiver for .arj files (non-free)
> zoo - manipulate zoo archives (non-free)
> rpm - Red Hat package manager (contains rpm2cpio)
> never heard of greeze.

Oops... freeze

> Michael


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