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Re: LC_CTYPE or not?


* Michael Tatge wrote (2004-08-21 11:27):
>* On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 Thorsten Haude (mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) muttered:
>> - I use Debian Woody, and LC_CTYPE is set but empty after calling
>> 'dpkg-reconfigure localeconf'. Is there another proper way to do this?
>On Debian use /etc/enviroment or your ~/.$SHELLrc

/etc/enviroment it was, the debconf part was invalidated by an
additional LANG=C.

Thanks for your help!

Jede Glorifizierung eines Menschen, der im Krieg getötet
worden ist, bedeutet drei Tote im nächsten Krieg.
    - Kurt Tucholsky

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