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Re: Beep on new mail

On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 10:13:31AM -0400, Jose Cabrera wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 18, 2004 at 03:53:38PM +0200, Frank Altpeter wrote:
> > 
> > You're never newbie enough to not read the docs.
> > 
> Wow!  First post and I get a soft slap. :-)  Ok.  Here is a question, why
> do we have a place like this if we can ask easy questions?  

Asking questions is fine, but when the answer is EASY to find in the
manual, you should expect this kind of response.  It's no easier for
you to read the information in an e-mail than it is to read it from
the manual.  The people here are usually friendly and helpful, but
they also have limits to their free time, and don't like people
wasting theirs with easy questions that can be answered very quickly
by a brief scan through the manual.  So, to answer your question:

Ask the manual.  Hit F1, press the '/' key, and type "beep" after the
'/' shows up at the bottom of the page.  If you don't see what you
want, hit 'n' a few times.  If you get to the end, then post a

> Yes, you are right in that I should read the documentation, of
> course, but now days with the speed required by the environment,
> it's very hard to do this.  

That's just not true.  Reading the manual costs a little time up
front, but saves WADS of time down the road...  This has been borne
out time and time again, whether with mutt or with virtually any other
peice of technology complicated enough to actually justify having its
own manual...

Derek D. Martin    http://www.pizzashack.org/   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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