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Re: Terminal for mutt with clickable links.


At  4:36 PM PDT on August 11 Thomas Dickey sent off:
> On Wed, 11 Aug 2004, Christian Dysthe wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am still using my old patched xterm 1.66 with mutt  which works
> > great opening urls in any browser just by clicking on url. The patch
> > can be found here:
> >
> > http://home.mindspring.com/~lux99999/xterm-hyperlink-patch/
> just reading the patch, it seems that it will try to execute the link
> command any time one double-clicks (not necessarily a good thing).
> > What I was wondering though is if there are terminals now that can do
> > this without patching. I know the Gnome and KDE terminals can, but
> > those are too heavy for my taste. If there are any new "xterm like"
> > terminals I can try with mutt please let me know. I find urlview to
> > be useless with long url's, so please do not suggest that solution :)
> I seem to recall that there was a patch for rxvt to do something like that
> (and also that it was incorporated into rxvt or some related program such
> as Eterm).  That used regular expressions (which can be a portability
> problem if one doesn't limit oneself to the various flavors of linux).

I'm using it (dingus) now, and make it available at


Unfortunately it's a very old version of rxvt (2.4.5) and Eterm (0.???).
konsole and gnome-terminal picked up the URL handling (but with a much less
convienient clicking procedure) but seem to have eschewed the more general
regexp handling.  Instead they have right click menus and much less
configurability.  Sigh.

The regexp handling does all kinds of neat things like starting gv/acroread on
postscript/pdf files, and changing directories.  Changing directories does
not work in Solaris, but at least some things (like URLs) *do* work ;-)

One difference (besides the click interface) from urlview is that the
launched actions occur on the computer running the terminal, as opposed to
the one running mutt/urlview*.  This is a huge advantage for URLs, and a
mixed blessing for other things.

* I suppose urlview's browser commands could be prefaced with some sshes, but
then you have to keep track of which computer you're sitting at.

Updates to dingus are very welcome!