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Re: from & to fields

2004-08-08 12:28, mutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote in 
>> The naive variant would be:
>> yoo@vranx\.de|yooden@vranx\.de|.+@thorstenhau\.de

Of course one could most likely also use:


I do that in my .procmailrc all the time...

> I tried with both
>     set alternates=(yoo@vranx\.de|yooden@vranx\.de|.+@thorstenhau\.de)
> Result: alternates="(yoo@xxxxxxxx|yooden@xxxxxxxx|.+@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)"
> and
>     set alternates=(yoo@vranx\\.de|yooden@vranx\\.de|.+@thorstenhau\\.de)
> Result: alternates="(yoo@vranx\.de|yooden@vranx\.de|.+@thorstenhau\.de)"

Here is what I've got in my .muttrc:

set reverse_name=yes
alternates email@xxxxxxxxxxx email@xxxxxxxxxxx ...

(Yes, I have a lot of other things too, but this is what seems to be
of relevance in this case.)

Works fine for me. Mutt 1.5.6 from CVS maybe two weeks ago.

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