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Re: Simple editor that supports line wrapping

Am 2004-07-31 02:36:12, schrieb Andre Majorel:

> Thank you for your suggestions.
> Of all the suggested editors, only mcedit comes closes to being
> intuitive for a Microsoft user. It has almost all the usual
> bindings. The only deviation I noticed is that pressing [del] with
> some text selected removes the character under the cursor, not the
> selection.

OK, it is <F8> in Midnight Commander

> It doesn't wrap lines by default, but Michelle says it can be set
> so I'll keep looking.

While you are in the Editor: <F9> => Menu "Options => Section "General"

At the right side (bottom) of the Dialogbox you willl find "Word wrap 
line lenght"

> A serious issue is that it drops non-ASCII characters. This could
> be fatal. I hope there is a way around this.


¤ ¢ äöü ß ÄÖÜ éè áà ôõ Çç ???


I have no problems with it...
what charset do you use ?

I use iso-8859-1(5) and on the console:

consolechars --font=lat0-16

Because the originalfont installed with Debian GNU/Linux 3.0
does not support those chars

> Other than that, Mom is happy. She was able to read, send and
> reply without panicking. It'll be interesting to see how she
> reacts when she realises that she can't see images inline as in a
> graphical client. <g>
> Thank you all.


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