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Re: How to switch off "quoted-printable"

Am 2004-07-30 17:16:12, schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
> * Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle@xxxxxxxxxx> [07-30-04 17:01]:
> > Am 2004-07-30 16:32:49, schrieb Patrick Shanahan:
> > > 
> > > Not needed.  Default is 'off'.
> > 
> > Interesting, because this seting was NOT in my muttrc, which mean, 
> > that it was already off ?  But why does mutt send quoted-printable ?
> Look and see if you have '/etc/muttrc' in addition to your ~/.muttrc

There is no /etc/muttrc in the Debian-Distribution

> and are you sourcing any files from your ~/.muttrc that may contain
> mime directives?
> what is the output of 'grep -i mime ~/.muttrc'?

  ____ ( 'stdin' ) _____________________________________________________
|  source ~/.mutt/security.smime
|  set mime_forward=ask-yes
|  #set mime_forward_decode=no
|  #set mime_forward_rest=yes

Have a nice weekend

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/ 
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