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Re: Simple editor that supports line wrapping


* Andre Majorel wrote (2004-07-29 01:25):
>I'm looking for a simple editor suitable for editing mail in Mutt,
>more or less Notepad-in-an-xterm.

I use NEdit for my mail, it seems to have most features you want.

>Desirable features :
>- run in an xterm,

Sorry, NEdit is an X11 app.

>- support ISO-8859-1,


>- be modeless,


>- not let the user accidentally get into a mode that a retard
>  wouldn't know how to get out of (think hitting ^Z or Q in vi),


>- wrap lines automatically to a specified width,

If you want to.

>- support the sort of bindings a Windows user might expect (arrow
>  keys, [home], [end], [shift][ins] to paste, selection by [shift]
>  + movement).


>Undesirable features :
>- macros, regexps, and generally anything beyond the scope of
>  Notepad.

Sorry, NEdit is a full featured editor with macros, lots of regexes,
syntax highlighting (even for mail) and other goodies. All of this
should be easy to ignore.

People who thinks quotes are witty are fucking morons.
    - turmeric

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