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Re: Attribution with UTC time?

2004-07-28 18:51, davidtg-muttusers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote in 
> Would it be too much to set the box to UTC and then use TZ for your local
> time zone, thus starting mutt with an unset TZ and setting TZ manually
> (eg in a macro) as you need it?

Now that's an idea... I can't use it as is, but it was enough to get
me started on experimenting a little. After trying out a few variants
I came up with this, which ALMOST does what I want...

$ alias mutt='TZ=UTC /usr/local/bin/mutt'

muttrc: set index_format="%4C %Z %(%b %d %H%Mz) %-15.15F (%4c/%4l) %s"
        set attribution="%(!%F %R) UTC, %a wrote in %i:"

It still suffers from an error in the offset calculation, but
something tells me that has more to do with my system configuration
(which admittedly is far from perfect, oh how I wish I had more time
to play around) than mutt.

I think I'll leave it as it is for now - after all, it's not a major
problem - and dig into the source code when I have the time, which
should be in a few days. That would almost certainly be the place to
do this _properly_, and I can't imagine that it would be too difficult
- especially if I start out with the "convert to local time zone" code
and just change the "local time zone" part.

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