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Re: mutt - slow mbox'es

On Thu, Jul 22, 2004 at 06:44:34PM EDT, Thorsten Haude wrote:
> * David Yitzchak Cohen wrote (2004-07-22 11:07):

> >If you're serious about scalable performance, I'd suggest a real database
> >server (like mysql) for the mail store.  Trying to emulate a database
> >with the filesystem isn't really The Right Way (TM).
> I remember that someone once called MySQL an SQL interface to the
> file system.

Being SQL doesn't out of necessity make it blindingly fast.  However,
a good database engine will run circles around any traditional
filesystem when it comes to storing stuff that naturally lends itself
to database storage.  Reiserfs4 is supposed to change all that, of
course, but it remains to be seen how many plugins will actually end up
getting implemented, and how low-level their implementation will be.
(Making heavyweight reiserfs4 plugins will knock out the performance
edge of reiserfs4 vs. a database engine, and will have the additional
disadvantage of tieing system stability down to database stability.)

 - Dave

Uncle Cosmo, why do they call this a word processor?
It's simple, Skyler.  You've seen what food processors do to food, right?

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