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Re: Hide (future) uninteresting messages

On Thu, Jun 10, 2004 15:53:54 PM +0200, Mads Laursen
(dossen+mutt@xxxxxxxxxxx) wrote: 
> > I have read the manual, and imagine that this requires some
> > combination of piping via macros to external scripts, use of folder
> > hooks, tags and the "limit" function.
> One option would be to have procmail handle it (assuming that you use
> procmail, otherwise feel free to disregard).
> First task is to identify the thread and tag it. That should be doable
> with <tag-pattern>.
> Then feed the messages to a script, that extracts msgids (and possibly
> other identifying headers) and appends them to a file.

I want to act (= tag & pipe to script) only on the beginning of the
thread, and then forget about it. If I pass to procmail the msgid of
the first message, how will it act on the replies of replies of
replies.... This is why I was thinking to let the whole thread pile up
in mailboxes, and have mutt not show it based on how the parent
message is recognized.

Of course, I would still be invited by mutt to go in mailboxes with
new, even if uninteresting email. Or not? Any way to avoid that,

> /dev/null the matching mails, you can file them to a seperate mailbox,

        Marco Fioretti

Marco Fioretti                 mfioretti, at the server mclink.it
Red Hat for low memory         http://www.rule-project.org/

rules should encourage thinking, not discourage it.
                   The New York Times Manual of Style and Usage